duminică, 23 august 2015

Inchirieri masini Bucuresti rent a car / publicitate

Inchirieri masini Bucuresti rent a car

Inchirieri masini Bucuresti rent a car

Inchirieri masini in Bucuresti/Car rental Bucharest

Firma ofera servicii de inchirieri masiniin Bucuresti/rent a car Bucharest. Va oferim o gama diversificata de masini, masini de inchiriat in Bucuresti pe care le puteti inchiria atat direct de pe acest site, dar de asemeni le puteti inchiria si contactandu-ne la numarul de telefon pe care il gasiti pe toate paginile site-ului.

Preturi si informatii inchiririere auto

Lista de masini inchiriate

Lista masinilor oferite clientilor nostri este urmatoarea: Volkswagen Golf 5, Dacia Logan by Renault, Renault Symbol, Noul Opel Astra J, Opel Corsa, Opel Zafira, Noul Opel Astra H, Ford Focus, Jeep Mazda CX7, Volkswagen Golf 6, Skoda Octavia, Jeep VW Tiguan, Noul Renault Symbol, Dacia Logan MCV Laureate plus 2008.

Cum gasesc masina potrivita

Masinile sunt grupate pe marci intr-o prima faza, apoi am mai facut o clasificare in functie de tipul masinilor. Masini medii si jeepuri, pentru a usura procesul de selectie al masinii dorite de catre clientii nostri. Pentru a gasi informatii despre masinile inchiriate va invitam sa accesati menu-ul principal, si la sectiuna Masini inchiriate sa alegeti masina care se potriveste cel mai bine nevoilor dumneavoastra!

Accommodation Hunedoara county info & offer at hotels, hostels, guesthouses and private accommodation / offers & discounts

Accommodation Hunedoara county info & offer at hotels, hostels, guesthouses and private accommodation / offers & discounts

Accommodation Hunedoara county at hotels, hostels, motels, villas and accommodation at private individuals or companies who rent apartments. Lodging in diversified in recent years in Hunedoara county being built hotels and guesthouses that offer services from two stars to five stars. Depending on your budget your accommodation can have a lower price, and thus to benefit from a more limited budget, so you fall in the amount of money that you have proposed to spend your holiday or vacation root. Get discounts on accommodation for longer periods of time or to accommodate larger groups of tourists. Booking earlier it’s another good method to save money. However all these details have to set with the location administrator where you intend to get accommodate.

Accommodation Deva, Hunedoara county capital

Deva has developed for tourism and offer those interested to visit the city and its impoundments a wide range of accommodation offers. There are currently in Deva a number of twenty-one accommodation units offers, accommodation as follows: eleven accommodation at hostels, four hotels, four cottages, a hostel and a motel. Some units have lower prices, others have higher prices, but the services are lower or higher, as prices you will pay. Book offers look at units that are in the villages belonging to the city. Among the establishments offering quality services we can mention a few: Guesthouse President guesthouse of five-stars, hotel Davos hotel of three-stars and hostel Archia Mansion five stars.

Accommodation Hunedoara town

City Hunedoara was a pillar of Romanian industry, but due to reduced activity steel mill the town became an important tourist pole of the county. In Hunedoara there is a zoo, here also you can find the famous castle of Hunyadi, the city is located near Lake Cincis, recreational lake and leisure in a pleasant and quiet place. The city has several hotels and guesthouses that offer the possibility to stay in the best possible conditions. We recommend accommodation at the Maier Hotel three stars, Hunedoara Best Hotel three stars accommodation and Rusca hotel three star hotel.

Accommodation Cincis lake & other tourist attractions

Cincis Lake is an artificial lake created during the communist period in Hunedoara county. Cincis Lake one of the largest lakes in Transylvania, has a depth of 48 meters and covering an area of ​​approximately 200 ha. It is located at a distance of 15 km from the city of Hunedoara. You may say in joke or seriously that the lake is called “The Hunedoara Sea”. The average water temperature is 18°C. In this lake you can swim. Other attractions are fishing, water sports and sightseeing in the area. All around the lake there are two campgrounds where you can tent or caravan can park the roulottes, and tourists seeking accommodation can stay overnight at one of the three motels, hostels or numerous villas (some private other offering accommodation for tourists).
The banks of the lake are composed of several habitats, 48% are considered to be the natural state, and the remaining 52% is sand. For fishing enthusiasts the main fish species are carp, catfish, pike, carp, perch, crucian. Two places where you can find accommodation at Cincis Lake are: Diamond Hotel four stars hotel and Belvedere Guesthouse three stars.
Accommodation Hunedoara county hotels, hostels, cottages and private accommodation!

marți, 7 iulie 2015

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 Wallpaper Download for free

Address website GO2-Romania.com

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vineri, 16 mai 2014

Cazare Pensiunea President 5 stele Deva

Pensiune 5 stele Deva

President Deva cazare

Pensiunea President este locul perfect atat pentru cazarea oamenilor de afaceri, cat şi a turiştilor aflati in tranzit. Accesul catre pensiunea noastra este extrem de usor din oricare directie sositi. Pensiunea se afla la doar 50 m de DN7 (E68 sau soseaua de centura a orasului).
Dotările moderne si calitatea serviciilor disponibile confirma fără ezitare că oferim confort de 5 stele.

Pensiunea  pune la dispoziţia oaspeţilor:
• 6 camere şi 7 apartamente spaţioase şi confortabile
website: www.president-deva.ro
site realizat de www.luxdesign28.ro

joi, 20 iunie 2013

Deva - Santuhalm - Cristur - Pestisu Mare - Pestisu Mic - Josani - Valea Nandrului - Nandru si retur

Traseu cu bicicletele prin judetul Hunedoara

Traseu Deva- Cristur - Pestisu Mare si Mic - Josani - Nandru si retur

Traseu din Deva pana la Schitul cu hramul sfantului Nectarie

Zilele trecute am facut un traseu de doua ori. Odata am ajuns pana la schitul cu hramul sfantului Nectarie. schit care a fost initial pensiune, dar care a fost cumparata de la fostii proprietari si transformat in loc monahal. Zona este frumoasa si linistita. Prin zona curge molcom un rau unde daca doriti aveti posibilitatea sa pescuiti clean, o specie de peste rapitor.  Din satul Nandru pana la schit mai sunt 1,5 km. Distanta efectiva din Deva, urmand traseul pe care l-am parcurs noi este de aproximativ 20 de km. Noi am urmat traseul Deva - Santuhalm - am luat-o prin Cristur - am iesit pe soseaua Hunedoarei - Pestisu Mic - unde am facut dreapta catre Pestisu Mare apoi am luat-o prin Josani - Valea Nandrului - satul Nandru si de aici catre Schitul Sfantului Nectarie. Parintele care pastoreste acest locas este un om cu frica de Dumnezeu. Ne-a intampinat cu bunatate, ne-a binecuvantat si ne-a oferit cateva de-ale gurii. Daca sunteti in drum ar trebui sa faceti cel putin un popas la acest schit, un schit care desi a fost ridicat de putin timp are propria istorie si propriile lui minuni infaptuite spre slava lui Dumnezeu.

Zona Deva - Cristur - Pestisu Mare si Pestisu Mic - Hunedoara
Zona Deva - Cristur - Pestisu Mare si Pestisu Mic - Hunedoara

Zona Pestisu Mic - Josani - Valea Nandrului - sat Nandru
Zona Pestisu Mic - Josani - Valea Nandrului - sat Nandru